Friday, January 13, 2012

Never, Never Give Up!

Well I'm off to a start. It may not be a good one but it IS a start. I set up my Facebook page for "Cheirlooms"...Chandler Heirlooms and Design is the name of FB.  You will have to stop by there and "Like" it for me. I would greatly appreciate that. I feel like Peter walking on the water right now. Well, probably right before he went under at least. It would be very encouraging to know that there are those out there interested in what I'm doing and willing to support my efforts at this time.

I've got another list of things to do today such as figuring out how to get that darn FACEBOOK button attached to this page. I'm also batting around the idea of allowing advertisement on my blog. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing or if it is a non-issue. Comments are welcome on either of these points.

I will eventually have PRODUCT for sale. I'm juggling several things at once right now and so I guess I'm getting that "chaos" I was expecting. I will be using Paypal for online orders, so I'll be setting up a link for that. I just have to figure out how.  I will also be in need of some nice pictures to post of the items I'll be selling. I think my camera is about to kick the bucket so I may have to use my trusty phone cam until I can get that Rebel I've been longing for. Please be patient with me there.

Like I said in my post yesterday, I'm not sure where this will take me or what will happen. I'm sure there will be lots of opportunity for learning. HA! I guess I'm "homeschooling" myself now. I ask that you hang in there with me. I have so many ideas and I know there is something I'm supposed to do here. I'm going to (again with the analogies of faith) be like Indiana Jones and step out even though I don't see anything to step out on. (You movie buffs know what I'm talking about). Even if you haven't seen the movie I'm sure you get my point.

Another project I'm working on today is finishing some pillows I'm recovering for our living room. I am not really a quilter, but I am one in my head. I collect the books and fabric and watch the shows. I've taken a class or two and even have quilts in nearly every room of our house. This will be my attempt to do some very beginner quilt piecing.

I am using a 1/4" seam allowance

You can see the yellow and blue pillow here that I want to recover. It came with a blue and white sofa I no longer have. It was a great sofa, we were moving from Nashville, TN and just had to downsize.

So, I've decided to use fabrics that I have used throughout the house here in Lumberton. The ticking is from a valance in the kitchen, the toile is from the stockings I made for christmas. I will blog about them another day. The red and cream check is a Waverly fabric I bought about 10 yards of in Prattville, AL when we lived there a around get this...the turn of the century. Ooh that was a long time ago no matter how you look at it.

Lauren's 2012 Christmas Stocking

The other red and cream print, I bought since we moved here to North Carolina. I used it to recover my bar stools we purchased in Jacksonville, FL in 2000. (Right after the turn of the century. lol)

Kitchen Bar stool I recovered while still unpacking boxes.

Dont worry there's a sofa in the "mancave"  that is in worse shape than this.

The love seat that I'm making these pillows for is in much need of recovering as well, but I just don't know if I have it in me to do that. We will see. It would definitely make for a good blog post though wouldn't it?

I'll blog a little about  the techniques used for the valance I made in the kitchen at another time. For now, I will just post the pictures in order for you to see the fabric that I mentioned earlier. It was the only thing I could think of to match the barstools once I covered them in the fabric I just "had to have." You will see, I fly by the seat of my pants. I guess it works. But, "ignorance is BLISS" they say. As I looked back over this blog the picture of the valance was at the top of my page. It's not where I thought I put it, but I'm leaving it. It's a good reminder to Never, Never Give Up.

Well off to get those things on my list done. Let me know what you think. Please leave me any comments and input you have.  I better get started...
If not now, when?

1 comment:

  1. Leslie, I am so excited to see what you have up your sleeve. I know it will be fantastic. I am also excited to possibly have a resource for someone that may be for hire for all the projects that those of us who have no talent have floating in our heads!!!If that is the direction you desire to go in. But whatever and wherever you go with this it will be a success and fun to watch. I would "like" the blog but have no clue how to do that.... YIKES
